Python Program to sort the words alphabetically form a string given by the user

Here’s a Python program that sorts the words alphabetically in a string provided by the user:

Approach 1:

# Python program to sort words alphabetically in a string

# input string
string = input("Enter a string: ")

# split the string into words
words = string.split()

# sort the words alphabetically
sorted_words = sorted(words)

# print the sorted words
print("Sorted words in the string: ")
for word in sorted_words:


In this program, we first ask the user to input a string. We then split the string into words using the split() method, which splits the string at whitespace characters and returns a list of words.

We then sort the words alphabetically using the sorted() function, which takes a list as input and returns a new sorted list. We store the sorted words in a variable called sorted_words.

Finally, we print the sorted words using a for loop that iterates through the sorted_words list and prints each word on a separate line.


Approach 2: With Function

# Function to sort words alphabetically in a string
def sort_words(string):
    # split the string into words
    words = string.split()

    # sort the words alphabetically
    sorted_words = sorted(words)

    # return the sorted words as a list
    return sorted_words

# input string
string = input("Enter a string: ")

# call the function and print the results
sorted_words = sort_words(string)
print("Sorted words in the string: ")
for word in sorted_words:

In this program, we define a function called sort_words that takes a string as input and returns a list of words sorted alphabetically. The implementation of the function is similar to the previous program, except that instead of printing the sorted words, we return them as a list.

We then ask the user to input a string and call the sort_words function with the string as input. We store the returned list of sorted words in a variable called sorted_words.

Finally, we print the sorted words using a for loop that iterates through the sorted_words list and prints each word on a separate line.



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