Category: Major Projects

  • Result Calculator and Mark sheet Generator Python Project

    Result Calculator and Mark sheet Generator Python Project #TOPIC:-RESULT CALCULATOR AND MARKSHEET GENERATOR #ALL THE FUNCTIONS THAT ARE DEFINED AND USED #ENTRY OF MARKS #PRIMARY SECTION #CALCULATION OF PT1 MARKS FOR PRIMARY SECTION def pt1pri(): print(“Now inputting marks for Periodic Test 1 of Primary Section”) print() mpt1pri=int(input(“Enter the marks scored in Periodic Test 1 of…

  • Project Student Management System with Python MySQL Connectivity

    Project Student Management System with Python MySQL Connectivity #topic student managment using mysql import mysql.connector mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host =”localhost”,user =”root”,passwd =”admin”) mycur = mydb.cursor() mycur.execute(“create database if not exists student_db1”) mycur.execute(“use student_db1″) abc=”Y” print(” =======WELCOME==================”) def while_fn (): while abc==”Y” or abc==”y”: if menu==1 : userinput() elif menu==2 : search_fn() menu_fn() while abc==”N” or abc==”n”:…