Category: Mini Projects

  • Python Program to Get Electronic Configuration by Atomic Number or Symbol

    Python Program to Get Electronic Configuration by Atomic Number or Symbol # Import sleep function from time import sleep # Do in ‘try’ and except not to get error try: # Print heading print(” — :Chemistry with Python = 🙂 :–“) # Global indentifiers used in program AtNo = “” atno = “” # define…

  • Python Program to Know Atomic Mass of First 30 Elements

    Python Program to Know Atomic Mass of First 30 Elements print(“PROGRAM TO KNOW ATOMIC MASS OF FIRST 30 ELEMENTS”) a=1 while (a>0): ele_nme=input(“Enter the Name of the element: “) atm_no=int(input(“Enter the ‘ATOMIC NUMBER’: “)) L3=[“Argon”,”Titanium”,”Chromium”,”Iron”] L4=[“Scandium”,”Nickel”] L5=[“Vanadium”,”Manganese”,”Cobalt”,”Copper”,”Zinc”] evenorodd=atm_no%2 if ele_nme==”hydrogen”: print(“The”,ele_nme,”‘s”,”ATOMIC MASS IS :”,”1″) elif ele_nme==”Beryllium”: print(“The”,ele_nme,”‘s”,”ATOMIC MASS IS :”, atm_no*2+1) elif ele_nme==”Nitrogen”: print(“The”,ele_nme,”‘s”,”ATOMIC MASS…

  • Creating Music Player using Tkinter Python Program

    Creating Music Player using Tkinter Python Program   # Importing Modules from tkinter import * from tkinter import filedialog from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar, Scale from pygame import mixer mixer.init() win = Tk() font_tup = (‘consolas’, 17) win.title(‘Music Player’) win.resizable(False, False) win.geometry(‘240×50′) win.config(bg=’white’) progress = 0 toggle_state = True def open(): filename = filedialog.askopenfilename() if…