Python Program for handling file operation errors

Handling file operation errors is an important aspect of writing robust code that can handle unexpected situations. Here’s an example Python program that demonstrates how to handle file operation errors:

# Python program to handle file operation errors

    # open the file for reading
    with open("example.txt", "r") as file:
        # read the contents of the file
        contents =
        # print the contents of the file

    # open the file for writing
    with open("example.txt", "w") as file:
        # write some text to the file
        file.write("This is some new text.")

except FileNotFoundError:
    # handle the case where the file doesn't exist
    print("Error: The file does not exist.")

except PermissionError:
    # handle the case where we don't have permission to access or modify the file
    print("Error: Permission denied to access or modify the file.")

except IOError:
    # handle any other input/output error
    print("Error: An input/output error occurred.")

In this program, we use a try-except block to handle different types of file operation errors. We first try to open the file "example.txt" for reading using a with statement, which automatically closes the file when we’re done with it. If the file exists, we read its contents and print them to the console.

We then try to open the same file for writing and write some new text to it. If the file doesn’t exist or we don’t have permission to access or modify it, we catch the appropriate exception and print an error message to the console. If any other input/output error occurs, we catch the IOError exception and print a generic error message.

By handling these different types of errors, we can ensure that our program doesn’t crash unexpectedly and can provide useful feedback to the user about what went wrong.


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